We surpassed the 1000 review mark!

In just over one year, we surpassed over 1000 5-star verified customer reviews.  This is a major milestone and validation of our product and business.  We are so proud that you love our product and are willing to that that with the world.
You can see them at https://jesusdoll.com/reviews
So, yes this is kind of a victory lap but it is more than that.  We respond to all of our reviews.  We do that because it forces us to read all of the reviews.  And we read all the reviews because you have told us some amazing things about how The Talking Jesus Doll has impacted your or your children.  We have seen:
  • Kids reciting scripture within a day
  • Kids telling their friends about Jesus
  • People sharing Jesus with to shut-ins
  • Autistic children who find comfort in the doll and Jesus' words.
  • Successful Intra-family mission efforts

We encourage you to read through these when you have a chance.  Its heartwarming, touching and fills us with joy.

Running a business can be a grind and the operation of it can become mundane.  But your reviews are so amazing that they bring encouragement to us.  They remind us why we started this company in the in the first place. Your reviews encourage us and put wind in our sails to keep forging ahead with our mission and planned expansion.

So, thanks you so much for your support and we are onward to 10,000!!!